Exchanges and returns
The deadline for requesting an exchange of a product is up to 30 calendar days from the date of receipt.
The exchange will only be made if the product shows no signs of use, is in its original packaging, accompanied by the invoice and with all labels attached.
To request an exchange of a product, you must access the link: and provide the email used for the purchase or the order number.
Once the request is made, a postage authorization code will be sent for the product to be posted at the nearest post office. The deadline for posting is up to 10 calendar days.
If you have any questions about the exchange request process, please contact our Customer Service via WhatsApp (12) 98286-9571 or email
After receiving the product, the responsible team will inspect the item to verify that it complies with the rules of the Exchange Policy. The inspection has a deadline of up to 3 business days to be completed.
If the product does not comply with the rules mentioned above, it will be returned to the customer. The return shipping costs will be the sole responsibility of the customer.
After the inspection is completed, the customer will receive an exchange voucher for the value of the products purchased.
If it is necessary to exchange products purchased on sale, the value considered will be the amount paid for the product and not its original value.
Example: If you purchased an item on sale for R$50.00, but its original value was R$100.00, the value considered will be R$50.00, including items purchased on Black Friday.
The deadline for using the exchange voucher is 30 days after the shipping date.
After this period, the voucher will expire and can no longer be used.
If the chosen product is of greater value than the exchanged product, the customer will be responsible for the difference.
If the total value of your new purchase, using the EXCHANGE VOUCHER, is less than what is being made available, the difference will not be refunded nor will it be credited for the next purchase.
Exchanging a Gift
If it is necessary to exchange gift products (when the person making the exchange is not responsible for the purchase), the request must be made via email.
In this case, contact our team via email: informing that you would like to exchange a gift and providing as much information as possible about the person who made the purchase.
Our team will get back to you within 24 business hours with instructions and procedures.
Exchanges due to Manufacturing Defects
For exchanges due to manufacturing defects, the request period is up to 90 calendar days after receiving the product.
The exchange will be made upon presentation of the invoice and only if the product does not show signs of misuse.
To request a product exchange, you must access the link: and provide the email used for the purchase or the order number.
Once the request is made, a postage authorization code will be sent for the product to be posted at the nearest post office. The deadline for posting is up to 10 calendar days.
If you have any questions about the exchange request process, contact our Customer Service via WhatsApp (12) 98286-9571 or email
After receiving the product, the responsible team will inspect the part to verify whether it qualifies as a manufacturing defect. The inspection has a deadline of up to 3 business days to be completed.
If the chosen product is of greater value than the exchange product, the customer will be responsible for the cost of the difference.
After the inspection is complete, the customer will receive an exchange voucher for the value of the products purchased.
The deadline for using the exchange voucher is 30 days after the shipping date.
After this period, the voucher will expire and can no longer be used.
If the chosen product is of greater value than the exchange product, the customer will be responsible for the cost of the difference.
If the total value of your new purchase, using the EXCHANGE VOUCHER, is less than what is being offered, the difference will not be refunded nor will it be credited for the next purchase.
If the item does not qualify as a manufacturing defect, the product will be returned to the customer. The return shipping costs will be the customer's sole responsibility.
The deadline to request returns due to regret/withdrawal from the purchase is up to 7 calendar days, from the receipt of the product.
The return will only be made if the product shows no signs of use, is in its original packaging, together with the invoice and with all labels attached.
To request a product return, you must access the link: and provide the email used for the purchase or the order number.
Once the request is made, a postage authorization code will be sent for the product to be posted at the nearest post office. The deadline for posting is up to 10 calendar days.
After receipt, the responsible team will inspect the product to verify that it complies with the rules of the Return Policy. The inspection has a deadline of up to 3 business days to be completed.
If the product does not comply with the rules mentioned above, it will be returned to the customer. The customer will be fully responsible for the return shipping costs.
The refund will only be made after the product inspection has been completed.
The refund method will depend on the payment option used at the time of purchase.
-For orders placed using PIX or bank slip as payment method, the refund will be made via bank deposit.
To do this, after completing the return request, you must send your bank details to Full name, CPF, bank, branch and account.
The deposit must be made within 3 business days after the product has been inspected.
-For orders placed using a credit card as payment method, Fabiola Molina will request the cancellation of the charge to the card operator within 3 business days after the product has been inspected.
Please note: the refunded amount will only be credited by the issuing bank, which is solely responsible for the cardholder's bill.
If you have any questions, please contact us through our customer service center at